

Our Dial-A-Ride service is designed to help people gain access to transport to get to where they need to be. The service is available to anyone who finds it difficult to access public transport by way of mobility, or simply living in area with poor transport links. Dial-A-Ride will pick you up from your door in a wheelchair accessible minibus or other suitable vehicle, with a trained driver who can help you get from A to B as smoothly as possible. We can take you to the local shops or garden centre, to medical appointments or perhaps to see your friends or family.

You will need to register with us as a member before booking a Dial-A-Ride journey. Membership is free. Personal information is kept in accordance with Data Protection regulations and will only be used for the purpose of Dial-A-Ride.

Please email us for a member registration form or complete the online form in the Location that you live in.

Please be aware that if you cancel a booking less than 24 hours in advance there may be a cancellation charge. This is at the discretion of the depot manager.

We're excited to introduce our new mascot!


Meet Bustar!

Contact us if someone you know needs safe & affordable transport due to social isolation or vulnerability.

Dial-A-Ride Gallery

Quotes from our supporters

Other Services

Volunteer Car Scheme

Group Hire

Community Hire & SEN School Transport

Electric Vehicle Community Car Club

Travel Buddies